Dave and Matheson Turgeon arrived by train early Wednesday morning with all their gear ready to go, they just needed their new Clipper Tripper canoe. We loaded them up and took them down to the Fraser River, under the Mission Bridge and sent them on their way.
The Turgeons are paddling to raise money for Sick Kids Foundation, and after paddling up the Fraser River to Hope, they will be portaging and paddling to the North Saskatchewan River following traditional voyageur routes to Montreal. They hope to complete their journey in early October. You can check out their website at http://www.canoeacrosscanadaforsickkids.com/
On Thursday morning, Ross Phillips and company arrived to pick up the third of three 18.5 Jensen kevlar Whitewater II's. Their expedition, called Cross Canada Canoe Odyssey, left the Pacific Ocean on April 17th paddling up the north arm of the Fraser and continuing on up to Hope where they will be pedaling, paddling, and portaging their way to New Brunswick.
This hearty crew is hoping to raise awareness for the efforts of the Nature Conservancy of Canada and the Canadian Heritage River System. You can check out their website at http://cancanoeodyssey.sportisite.com/
On Thursday morning, Ross Phillips and company arrived to pick up the third of three 18.5 Jensen kevlar Whitewater II's. Their expedition, called Cross Canada Canoe Odyssey, left the Pacific Ocean on April 17th paddling up the north arm of the Fraser and continuing on up to Hope where they will be pedaling, paddling, and portaging their way to New Brunswick.

This hearty crew is hoping to raise awareness for the efforts of the Nature Conservancy of Canada and the Canadian Heritage River System. You can check out their website at http://cancanoeodyssey.sportisite.com/
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